A Change of Pace: Why I’m Embracing the Half-Marathon Distance

As many of you who follow my Instagram might have seen, I’ve recently made a significant decision in my running journey: to take a step back from the marathon distance and focus on the half-marathon and improving my speed. This decision wasn’t made on a whim, but after careful consideration of what I truly enjoy and what I aim to achieve in my running career.

Reflecting on the Marathon Journey

Marathons have always been a test of endurance, mental strength, and personal limits. They’ve taught me resilience, patience, and the sheer power of determination. However, they also demand a considerable investment of time and physical energy, sometimes at the expense of other aspects of life and health.

Why the Half-Marathon?

The half-marathon distance offers a unique blend of endurance and speed. It’s long enough to be challenging, yet short enough to allow for a faster pace and a more intense focus on speed training. This shift aligns perfectly with my current goals and interests – to see how fast I can go and how much I can push my speed limits.

A Focus on Speed

#Speed training brings a different kind of exhilaration. It’s about quick bursts of energy, high-intensity workouts, and seeing tangible improvements in pace. This approach to training is not only physically challenging but mentally refreshing. It demands focus, quick reactions, and a different kind of resilience.

Balancing Running with Life

Another aspect of this decision is about finding a balance. Marathon training can be incredibly time-consuming, and as much as I love running, it’s essential to maintain a harmony between my passion and other aspects of my life, especially my work in the NHS and time spent with my wife, Gayle. The half-marathon training schedule is more flexible, allowing me to dedicate quality time to both my professional responsibilities and personal life.

New Goals and Aspirations

Looking ahead, my goal is to not just complete half-marathons but to excel in them. I aim to improve my personal best, experiment with different training techniques, and maybe even explore some new, exciting races around the world. This shift in focus is not a step back; rather, it’s a leap into a new, exhilarating phase of my running journey.

A Message to My Fellow Runners

I want to say to all of you, especially those contemplating changes in their running goals: it’s okay to shift gears. Our passions and interests evolve, and it’s ppl important to listen to what excites and motivates us. Whether it’s going longer, going faster, or even taking a break, what matters most is that you’re moving in a way that brings joy and fulfillment.

Stay tuned as I share more about my half-marathon training, the ups and downs of speed work, and all the adventures that come with this new chapter. I’m excited to bring you all along on this swift new journey!

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